I hear a lot from potential clients that they tried LinkedIn and it was too expensive. “We were getting our ads in front of our audience, but conversions were so expensive.”
All in Lead Generation
I hear a lot from potential clients that they tried LinkedIn and it was too expensive. “We were getting our ads in front of our audience, but conversions were so expensive.”
How do I get back to basics? In today’s post, I wanted to quickly go over some of the fundamentals you need to understand when tackling marketing your products to other companies.
Everyone thinks lead gen is so easy - whip together a piece of content, build a quickie landing page, push it out on social. As someone who’s executed dozens of B-to-B lead gen campaigns, I can tell you that it’s not that easy! Want quality leads? Want volume? Here are 5 things I’ve learned over the years about lead gen campaigns, that I wish I knew before I started.
I'm here to help you get started, get over the hump of creating a B-to-B Digital Marketing Plan.
The idea behind modern nurture marketing (which is typically automated) is that only a small percentage of your inbound leads will convert each month/week/day.
The most successful digital marketers make their mark designing mutually advantageous value exchanges, or trades, with potential customers that occur days, weeks, or months before purchase.